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Industrial Automation Products for
Medical Treatment

Medical Treatment
Industrial Automation Products for Medical Treatment

The pros and cons of automation in the healthcare industry are often disputed but there is no denying it is here to stay. 

And industrial electrical automation has a positive influence in the medical field. Intense regulation means life-preserving drugs and therapies can take years to come to market. In the fast-moving world of pharma, using off-the-shelf software to track all your compliance needs is like innovating with one hand tied behind your back. Automation coupled with emerging technologies like low-code is redefining what it means to ‘diagnose’ and ‘treat’ illnesses.


Challenges like budget cuts, the ageing population and medication shortages are placing increasing pressure on pharmacies. These can ultimately result in reduced time to spend with customers and limited storage space. Automation is one way of addressing these challenges. Automated dispensing systems, also known as pharmacy robots, are the latest technology being used to streamline the dispensing process. Many manufactures have produce the industrial automation devices for medical treatment, such as GE industrial automation company. Some of the benefits of using automated systems include being able to store more stock and faster, more efficient picking of prescriptions. Because the process is automated, requiring only a pharmacist to make the final check, using a pharmacy robot can reduce the number of dispensing errors, with some NHS Trusts reporting an up to a 50% reduction in dispensing errors. One of the challenges of automated systems is sourcing packaging which fits and works with the robots. 

Industrial automation has introduced a selection of tablet cartons that are compatible with pharmacy robots, driving cost-saving and time-saving efficiencies across the pharmacy.

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